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| | I'm My, not logged in. Why did you revert 3.0.3 RC1? IT's out and ready for downloading! |
| |
| The Wiki is not a place for usage questions, use the forums [[User:CodeSquid|CodeSquid]] 10:28, 15 September 2007 (CEST)
| | : Sorry, misclicked in my efforts to remove spam. --[[User:CodeSquid|CodeSquid]] 11:34, 1 November 2007 (CET) |
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| == Proxy Support Missing == | | == Proxy Support Missing == |
| | |
| | Really stupid stuff in filezilla client 2.X version..which dont have proxy server configuration..this is too bad.. |
| |
| You really should '''highlight''' the fact that the "recommended" release doesn't have ''any'' proxy support. Especially since the the old 2.x versions do, and people most likely expect it. | | You really should '''highlight''' the fact that the "recommended" release doesn't have ''any'' proxy support. Especially since the the old 2.x versions do, and people most likely expect it. |
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| An other point are the firewall settings, in the 2.2.17 version it was possible to limit the port range for passive ftp. This was very useful behind a Linux firewall. You can make a small hole to allow passive ftp file transfers. In the new 3.0.1 version it is only possible to do that for active ftp. | | An other point are the firewall settings, in the 2.2.17 version it was possible to limit the port range for passive ftp. This was very useful behind a Linux firewall. You can make a small hole to allow passive ftp file transfers. In the new 3.0.1 version it is only possible to do that for active ftp. |
| | -- Stefan Versendaal |
| |
| Stefan Versendaal
| | I agree -- it needs proxy support! It's annoying that you guys removed all links to the old version from Sourceforge, too. So I have to rely on this site: www.oldapps.com/download_old_version_filezilla.php |
| |
| == Queue Sort == | | == Queue Sort == |
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| :The queue isn't sorted at all due to performance reasons. A sorted queue would dramatically slow down FileZilla. --[[User:CodeSquid|CodeSquid]] 16:56, 5 October 2007 (CEST) | | :The queue isn't sorted at all due to performance reasons. A sorted queue would dramatically slow down FileZilla. --[[User:CodeSquid|CodeSquid]] 16:56, 5 October 2007 (CEST) |
| | |
| | :Perhaps it would be ok to just add the list in reverse order, since it looks like something is sorting the files (the server?). --[[User:Anonymouse|Anonymouse]] |
| | |
| | :Or alow the user to choose to turn sorting on or off. |
| | |
| | :v Windows, the Queue Sort now seems to be straight alphabetical order (A-Z) but still if you click on a column, it still doesn't sort anything. and just wondering [[User:CodeSquid|CodeSquid]] why would it slow filezilla down once it has sorted it? (i understand the few clock cycles while it performs the sort, but once that is done, it shouldn't cost any more processing power). Cant we get it fixed so we can sort the way we want (such as by size, etc) --[[User:Wb6vpm|Wb6vpm]] 22:13, 18 March 2009 PDT |
| | |
| | == Keep timestamps on Ubuntu Gutsy Gibbon == |
| | |
| | Here's a cookbook for keeping FTP timestamps for working with Ubuntu 7.10 and with a reiserfs filesystem: |
| | |
| | The reiserfs does not keep records of creation date and time for files. Therefore the solution is to use a FAT32/NTFS partition. |
| | |
| | 1. Repartition your drive with at least one FAT32/NTFS partition. If you already have one such partition, then there is no need to repartition. |
| | |
| | 2. Download the latest stable FileZilla binary from this site. (Do not use the older version from Ubuntu repository.) |
| | |
| | 3. Run FileZilla with the command: |
| | |
| | sudo ./filezilla |
| | |
| | (You will need that sudo in order to change timestamps on NTFS.) |
| | |
| | 4. In FileZilla, under Transfers choose "Keep timestamps of..." |
| | |
| | 5. Surf in the left pane to a folder on your FAT32/NTFS partition. |
| | |
| | 6. Make connection to your FTP site and download. The timestamps will be kept. |
| | |
| | == Can't edit my files?? == |
| | |
| | When I click on "EDIT" it goes online to the actual site, can't open to the code source to edit. Any suggestions?? |
| | |
| | == cannot retrieve directory listing == |
| | |
| | I don't understand this: Bought a new computer with win8.1 and have problems with FileZilla. Fortunately I can use FileZilla on my old computer with win7. |
| | '''Status:Connected |
| | Status: Retrieving directory listing...''' |
| | So I turned Windows Firewall off but, nothing changed, still it cannot retrieve directory listing... |
| | |
| | So what I have to do now? |
| | thanks for any help |
I'm My, not logged in. Why did you revert 3.0.3 RC1? IT's out and ready for downloading!
- Sorry, misclicked in my efforts to remove spam. --CodeSquid 11:34, 1 November 2007 (CET)
Proxy Support Missing[edit]
Really stupid stuff in filezilla client 2.X version..which dont have proxy server configuration..this is too bad..
You really should highlight the fact that the "recommended" release doesn't have any proxy support. Especially since the the old 2.x versions do, and people most likely expect it.
-- 18:29, 24 September 2007 (CEST)
An other point are the firewall settings, in the 2.2.17 version it was possible to limit the port range for passive ftp. This was very useful behind a Linux firewall. You can make a small hole to allow passive ftp file transfers. In the new 3.0.1 version it is only possible to do that for active ftp.
-- Stefan Versendaal
I agree -- it needs proxy support! It's annoying that you guys removed all links to the old version from Sourceforge, too. So I have to rely on this site: www.oldapps.com/download_old_version_filezilla.php
Queue Sort[edit]
Just got 3.0.1 for Windows. Maybe I'm doing something wrong, but the queue seems to sort files in reverse alphabetical order, and there doesn't appear to be a way to fix it. I click on the "Server / Local file" column button, but nothing happens. None of the other queue column buttons do anything either. I'd like the files to download in the correct order. The remote file listing is sortable, but the queue isn't.
- The queue isn't sorted at all due to performance reasons. A sorted queue would dramatically slow down FileZilla. --CodeSquid 16:56, 5 October 2007 (CEST)
- Perhaps it would be ok to just add the list in reverse order, since it looks like something is sorting the files (the server?). --Anonymouse
- Or alow the user to choose to turn sorting on or off.
- v Windows, the Queue Sort now seems to be straight alphabetical order (A-Z) but still if you click on a column, it still doesn't sort anything. and just wondering CodeSquid why would it slow filezilla down once it has sorted it? (i understand the few clock cycles while it performs the sort, but once that is done, it shouldn't cost any more processing power). Cant we get it fixed so we can sort the way we want (such as by size, etc) --Wb6vpm 22:13, 18 March 2009 PDT
Keep timestamps on Ubuntu Gutsy Gibbon[edit]
Here's a cookbook for keeping FTP timestamps for working with Ubuntu 7.10 and with a reiserfs filesystem:
The reiserfs does not keep records of creation date and time for files. Therefore the solution is to use a FAT32/NTFS partition.
1. Repartition your drive with at least one FAT32/NTFS partition. If you already have one such partition, then there is no need to repartition.
2. Download the latest stable FileZilla binary from this site. (Do not use the older version from Ubuntu repository.)
3. Run FileZilla with the command:
sudo ./filezilla
(You will need that sudo in order to change timestamps on NTFS.)
4. In FileZilla, under Transfers choose "Keep timestamps of..."
5. Surf in the left pane to a folder on your FAT32/NTFS partition.
6. Make connection to your FTP site and download. The timestamps will be kept.
Can't edit my files??[edit]
When I click on "EDIT" it goes online to the actual site, can't open to the code source to edit. Any suggestions??
cannot retrieve directory listing[edit]
I don't understand this: Bought a new computer with win8.1 and have problems with FileZilla. Fortunately I can use FileZilla on my old computer with win7.
Status: Retrieving directory listing...
So I turned Windows Firewall off but, nothing changed, still it cannot retrieve directory listing...
So what I have to do now?
thanks for any help