Talk:FileZilla Client Tutorial (en)

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Revision as of 18:37, 15 August 2011 by CodeSquid (talk | contribs) (Removed spam)
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Scope of this tutorial

This tutorial is intended to give a quick introduction to basic FileZilla usage, i.e. really only navigating around, transferring files to/from a server and adding the connection data to the site manager. Anything more advanced should go to Using (if it fits), an "Advanced FileZilla Client Tutorial" or an "Advanced usage" section in this tutorial (still to be decided...).

It might be tempting to add information on additional features, but then this (basic) tutorial becomes harder and harder to read. So please don't do this unless it's really needed and reasonable.

Advanced feature: Directory comparison

You can also use the 'View => Directory comparison...' command 
to highlight the folders and files in both panels in order to show 
if they are : 
* present in both panels with the same last change time, 
* present in both panels with different last change time or 
* present in only one panel.
For details, see [[Other Features|Other Features]].

(Removed from tutorial)