FileZilla Wiki talk:Community Portal

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Revision as of 20:32, 26 September 2012 by (talk) (NhPOuGdXyXgV)
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Hi I tried latest lesfss and it's a tad on the slow side, I used the default config file but withBLOCKDATA_IO_TYPE=file_ioBLOCKDATA_PATH=/mnt/lesfss/dta/blockdata.dta changes.It took me a good number of hours to copy a 63gb file into it(like 4?). lesfss compacted the image down to 13gb.It then took me 768minutes to cp myimage.img backup.img within lesfss. Ie it was 3x slower. lWhat's most worrying is that virt mem usage went from ~1000m to 1466m and that operation and I went 500mb into swap(got 2gb of ram). I'm guessing there is a memory leak in lesfss as I'm not running much else on the server.So two questions: Is there a memory leak? Can lesfss be configured to be faster? It seems like a cp operation within lesfss should be faster rather than slower than copying stuff in.I'm running fedora 12 on a 1.6ghz atom.