FileZilla Wiki talk:Community Portal

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Revision as of 12:43, 4 May 2012 by (talk) (dkFWQgEudxbv)
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To edit hosts file in Windows 7, I suggest you try the flnoowilg steps.Take ownership of the hosts file and change the permission for it:1. Right click on hosts file and click “Properties”.2. Switch to “Security” tab and click “Advanced” button.3. Switch to “Owner” tab and click “Edit…”.4. Highlight your user account or administrators group and click “OK” twice to quite the “Advanced Security Settings” dialog box.5. On the “Security” tab of “Properties” dialog box, click “Edit…”.6. Highlight Administrators group, check the box for “Full control” under “Allow” and click “OK”.Now you can play with your hosts file as you wish - -2