Compiling FileZilla 3 and Getting Dependencies on Linux

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This documentation explains how to setup a build environment for FileZilla 3 and how to compile it under Debian based distributions. This guide assumes you are using Debian stable, but should work as well on other recent Debian-based distributions.

Setting up build environment

Download and install Boost C++ libraries (note down install path for CPPFLAGS var below):

As root, execute:

apt build-dep filezilla libwxgtk3.0-dev
apt install libtool git subversion xdg-utils

Back as normal user, execute:

mkdir ~/common
export PATH="$HOME/common/bin:$PATH"
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="$HOME/common/lib/pkgconfig:$PKG_CONFIG_PATH"
export CPPFLAGS="-I/[full/path/to]/boost_1_86_0"

Getting dependencies

Note: This guide is for setting up a development environment. To build the latest officially released versions, download and extract the respective source tarballs instead and skip the autoreconf step.


 cd ~
 git clone --recurse-submodules --branch 3.2 --single-branch wx3
 cd wx3
 ./configure --prefix="$HOME/common" --enable-shared --enable-unicode
 make && make install


 cd ~
 svn co lfz
 cd lfz
 autoreconf -i
 ./configure --prefix="$HOME/common" --enable-shared --disable-static 
 make && make install

Compiling FileZilla

 cd ~
 svn co fz
 cd fz
 autoreconf -i
 ./configure --prefix="$HOME/common" --enable-shared --disable-static 
 make && make install

And you're done. Type filezilla to start FileZilla (binary should be under common/bin).