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SFTP using SSH2: Key based authentication

Starting with version 3.0.8, FileZilla has a built-in key management page in the settings dialog.

Note: Importing a site's public key is not supported. It's not possible to pre-cache a public key (which I had obtained as a keyfile from the site's administrator) to verify the server is the one you're trying to connect to. Eventually I had to run ssh-keygen -l -f <keyfile name> on a Linux box, then perform a visual comparison.

You should rellay think better about naming your page titles. You should consider putting keywords in them so Google will find and rank your post page higher. I am not trying to be an ass but I am just trying to help. For example, what do you think you can improve on Mind = Blown FTP File Transfer Protocol . Again, just trying to help here Regards, Jenni

Other platforms

FileZilla supports the standard SSH agents. If your SSH agent is running, the SSH_AUTH_SOCK environment variable should be set.