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Propósito == == de la FAQ
== Purpose of FAQ ==
Me podrian ayudar a entrar a F
ile Zilla  el problema es que  ingreso
los siguienteatos pero  nopuedo  axesar
1.- Host  carrointegral.net84.net
2.- User name  a7353546
4.- Uso  Port 1 y Port 2
El FAQ es proporcionar respuestas a preguntas comunes, no para hacer preguntas. [Usuario [: | CodeSquid CodeSquid]] 13:39, 25 jul 2007 (CEST)
== Documentación necesaria en la que los comandos FTP son compatibles ==
The FAQ is to provide answers to common questions, not to ask questions. [[User:CodeSquid|CodeSquid]] 13:39, 25 July 2007 (CEST)
Por ejemplo, necesito saber si FZS admita el comando STOU, pero no he encontrado ninguna lista de ese tipo o la discusión.
== Documentation needed on which FTP commands are supported ==
: Usted puede utilizar el comando HELP para obtener una lista de todos los comandos conocidos. - [Usuario [: | CodeSquid CodeSquid]] 20:53 28 de septiembre de 2007 (CEST)
For example, I need to know if FZS supports the STOU command, but I have found no such list or discussion.
== Cómo utilizar un firewall ==
:You could use the HELP command to get a list of all known commands. --[[User:CodeSquid|CodeSquid]] 20:53, 28 September 2007 (CEST)
FileZilla 3.0.1 no parece proporcionar ningún tipo de apoyo para los servidores proxy FTP. Un FAQ debe darse una respuesta de por qué una versión oficial no es compatible con esta función.
== How to use behind a firewall ==
=== FileZilla servidor y la dirección IP dinámica ===
Filezilla 3.0.1 appears not to provide any support for FTP proxies. A FAQ should be answered as to why an official release doesn't support this feature.
En el capítulo que habla sobre el servidor detrás de un firewall, que dice''"también se puede optar por recuperar la dirección IP de un sitio web"''. ¿Alguien puede describir lo que espera que el contenido del servidor FileZilla desde el sitio web externo? Algunos sintaxis concreta a reconocer la correcta cadena de propiedad intelectual? (La página web externos puede reflejar diversas informaciones IP)
=== FileZilla server and dynamic IP address ===
=== En cuanto a un modo pasivo servidor FTP detrás de un firewall ===
In the chapter that talks about the server behind a firewall, it tells ''"you can also choose to retrieve the ip address from a website"''. Can anybody describe what content expects FileZilla server from the external website? Some concrete syntax to recognize the correct IP string? (the external website can show various IP informations)
Cuando el cliente solicita el modo PASV, el servidor responde con un comando PORT, tales como: "227 Introducción de modo pasivo (127,0,0,1,78,52)". Para que el modo pasivo para que funcione correctamente, la respuesta de modo pasivo debe contener la dirección privada del servidor FTP de la propiedad intelectual. Su "ajustes de modo pasivo" ventana sugiere que este debe ser el externo / dirección IP pública. La dirección IP privada ayuda a nat proxy del servidor de seguridad en el mantenimiento de la conexión a través de traducción de direcciones de red. Muchos servidores proxy FTP NAT caerá la respuesta 227 en modo pasivo, si la dirección IP pública se envía en el mensaje 227.
== == Bloqueado página de preguntas frecuentes
=== Regarding a passive-mode FTP server behind a firewall ===
When the client requests PASV mode, the server responds back with a PORT command, such as, "227 Entering Passive Mode (127,0,0,1,78,52)".  In order for passive mode to work properly, the passive mode response needs to contain the FTP server's PRIVATE IP address.  Your "passive mode settings" window suggests this should be the external/public IP address.  The private IP address assists the firewall's nat proxy in maintaining the connection across network address translation.  Many FTP NAT proxies will drop the 227 passive mode response, if the public IP address is sent in the 227 message.
La página de preguntas frecuentes está bloqueado, esto evita que gente amable ayudar a mantenerlo al día,
== FAQ page locked ==
por ejemplo (ver FAQ General # 3)
FileZilla 3 se ha lanzado para todas las plataformas en 2007-10-17
The FAQ page is locked, this prevents friendly people helping keep it up to date,
(Versión FileZilla 3.0.2).
eg (see General FAQ #3)
La versión actual es ahora (2007-11-27).
== Quiero añadir un FAQ ==
FileZilla 3 has now been released for all platforms on 2007-10-17
(version FileZilla 3.0.2).
Current version is now (2007-11-27).
FAQ: Tengo problemas para transferir archivos de registro. Me aparece un error "550 no puede acceder al archivo." tanto en la interfaz de servidor y el cliente de FTP.
== I want to add a FAQ ==
Respuesta: A menudo, los archivos de registro están bloqueados para escritura por el proceso que está iniciando sesión. Con el fin de transferir este tipo de archivo, abra las opciones de servidor, vaya al nodo Varios, y seleccione "Permitir la descarga de archivos que están abiertos para escritura por otro proceso"
FAQ: I am having trouble transferring log files. I get an error "550 can't access file." on both the server interface and the FTP client.
Probablemente no es una pregunta frecuente, pero las preguntas más frecuentes es la documentación del servidor único que tenemos hasta ahora.
Answer:  Often log files are locked for writing by the process that they are logging.  In order to transfer this type of file, open the Server Options, go to the Miscellaneous node, and select "Allow downloading of files which are open for writing by another process"
: Cumple parcialmente el AQ de la FAQ, pero ciertamente no el F. Visto de esta cuestión por primera vez ahora. - [Usuario [: | CodeSquid CodeSquid]] 02:25 22 de noviembre de 2007 (CET)
It probably isn't a FAQ, but the FAQ is the only server documentation you have so far.
== Mejor panorama para el FAQ ==
: Fulfills the AQ part of FAQ, but certainly not the F one. Seen this question for the first time now. --[[User:CodeSquid|CodeSquid]] 02:25, 22 November 2007 (CET)
Hola, es la primera vez que visita esta FAQ. La primera cosa que noté es que no hay ningún índice. Creo que un índice daría una mejor visión de conjunto, y no es necesario buscar las informaciones en los detalles de las preguntas más frecuentes de texto. se refiere a Antonio.
== Better overview for FAQ ==
== Robert07 los comentarios sobre las preguntas más frecuentes ==
Hi, it's the first time I visit this FAQ. The first thing I noticed is that there is no index. I think an Index would give an better overview, and I don't need to search for informations in the details of the FAQ-text. regards Antonio.
* Gracias tanto para el equipo de desarrollo y todas las personas de apoyo para la toma de una maravillosa pieza de software completo con foros y wiki!
== Robert07's comments on the FAQ ==
* FileZilla Client cuestión FAQ # 5 es acerca de dónde se almacenan los ajustes. Desde mi propia experiencia en estos momentos, en WinXP hay varios archivos. Xml y están ubicados en% USERPROFILE% \ Application Data \ FileZilla, no en el directorio se instala en FileZilla. Y para mí eso es un problema porque se complica instala y desinstala automatizado.
* Thanks so much to the dev team and all the support folks for making a wonderful piece of software complete with forums and wiki!
* Pregunta general FAQ # 3 se refiere a lo "FileZilla 3". Dice que está en Beta. Pero yo no veía nada a través del proceso de descarga diciendo que v3 está en beta y no veo los enlaces a v2 en cualquier lugar. Además, la norma de ayuda contextual (F1) no aparezca ninguna ayuda y, un poco irónicamente, bajo la "Ayuda" en el menú desplegable no hay ayuda. Y no hay. Hlp o. Ayuda chm archivos incluidos que puedo encontrar. Así lo hace "sentir" como si estuviera todavía en fase beta en ese sentido.
* FileZilla Client FAQ question #5 is about where settings are stored. From my own experience just now, in WinXP there are several .xml files and they're located under %USERPROFILE%\Application Data\FileZilla, not under the directory FileZilla installs into. And for me that's a problem because it complicates automated installs and uninstalls.
== Jerga de los comentarios sobre las preguntas más frecuentes ==
* General FAQ question #3 is about what "FileZilla 3" is. It says that it is in Beta. But I saw nothing through the download process saying that v3 is in beta and I don't see links to v2 anywhere. Also, the standard help-shortcut (F1) doesn't bring up any help and, a little ironically, under the "Help" pull down menu there is no help. And there are no .hlp or .chm help files included that I can find. So it does "feel" like it's still in beta in that sense.
* FileZilla Client FAQ no parecen indicar cualquier medio viable para respaldar y restaurar los datos, además, la configuración para el software de cliente. [[Usuario: Jerga Jerga | Jerga Jerga ]] 09:13, 5 de abril de 2010 (UTC)
== jargon's comments on the FAQ ==
== Alias: FAQ responde a la "''''explicación» en FZ servidor ==
* FileZilla Client FAQ doesn't seem to indicate any viable means to back up and furthermore restore the settings data for the client software. [[User:Jargon|Jargon]] 09:13, 5 April 2010 (UTC)
Una y otra vez he tratado de seguir la explicación en el producto, por ejemplo 0.9.25 beta y que no logramos hacer que funcione (se sugiere utilizar c: pub \ \ somedir). Poner en un alias de / FOO creó la carpeta vínculo muy bien. Gracias FAQ.
== Aliases: FAQ answers the "''explanation''" in FZ server ==
Time and again I tried to follow the explanation in the product e.g. 0.9.25 beta and never managed to get it to work (it suggests you use c:\pub\somedir). Putting in an alias of /FOO created the link folder just fine. Thankyou FAQ.
El ejemplo de los FAQ's no funcionó para mí tampoco. Me extraña que él y acabó poniendo la ruta completa a la carpeta en para el alias (por ejemplo, si personal de los usuarios es 'C: \ ftproot \ user \', directorio compartido es "D: \ Datos de programa \ cosas \ ', alias podría ser 'C: \ \ ftproot cosas usuario \'). Esto me permitió ver los directorios alias adecuadamente en los distintos clientes FTP que uso. Entonces me di cuenta del problema más grande, yo estaba usando FileZilla FTP Server 0.9.29 beta. La actualización a FileZilla FTP Server 0.9.34 permite que el método anteriormente mencionado o el de la FAQ para funcionar correctamente. Sistema operativo utilizado en este ejemplo es Server 2003 SP2 R2. Espero que ayude.
== <nowiki> <nowiki> </ Nowiki> == Ejemplo de la dirección
The FAQ's example did not work for me either.  I puzzled about it and ended up putting the full path to the folder in for the alias (e.g. if user home is 'C:\ftproot\user\', shared directory is 'D:\data\stuff\', alias would be 'C:\ftproot\user\stuff').  This allowed me to see the alias directories properly in the various FTP clients that I use. Then I realized the bigger problem; I was using FileZilla FTP Server 0.9.29 beta. Upgrading to FileZilla FTP Server 0.9.34 allows the previously mentioned method or the one in the FAQ to work properly. OS used in this example is Server 2003 R2 SP2. Hope it helps.
¿Puede alguien por favor ponga <nowiki> <nowiki> s y <code> s </ nowiki> alrededor de la dirección de ejemplo''ftp://root:secretpw <code> <nowiki> @ filezilla.sourceforge.net / htdocs / </ nowiki> </ code>''en la sección de opciones de línea de comandos para que la gente no se sientan tentados a pensar que es un vínculo efectivo para ... um ... Opciones de la línea de comandos de documentación? Gracias. - [Usuario [: | Tometheus Tometheus]] 19:57, 30 de agosto de 2008 (UTC)
== Quiero añadir un FAQ ==
== <nowiki><nowiki></nowiki> the Example Address ==
Can someone please put <nowiki><nowiki>s and <code>s</nowiki> around the example address ''<code><nowiki>ftp://root:secretpw@filezilla.sourceforge.net/htdocs/</nowiki></code>'' in the Command Line options section so people aren't tempted to think it's an actual link to... um... command line options documentation? Thanks. --[[User:Tometheus|Tometheus]] 19:57, 30 August 2008 (UTC)
SO: Windows -
== I want to add a FAQ ==
¿Y si el FileZilla Server Interface no Inicie sesión en el servidor?
Respuesta: Asegúrese de que el "Application Layer Gateway Service" está habilitado y en ejecución. Usted puede encontrar esta opción haciendo clic en Inicio -> Ejecutar ... -> A continuación, escriba "msconfig" -> seleccione la pestaña "Servicios"
OS: Windows -  
What if the FileZilla Server Interface does not Log on to the Server?
: Wrong. ALG se sabe que activa'''''sabotaje "FTP. Asegúrese de que está desactivado y no en funcionamiento. - [Usuario [: | CodeSquid CodeSquid]] 22:55 18 de septiembre de 2008 (UTC)
Answer: Make sure the "Application Layer Gateway Service" is enabled and Running. You can find this option by Clicking Start --> Run... --> then type "msconfig" --> select the tab "Services"
== Uso de FileZilla como controlador de protocolo FTP predeterminado ==
:Wrong. ALG is known to actively '''sabotage''' FTP. Make sure it is disabled and not running. --[[User:CodeSquid|CodeSquid]] 22:55, 18 September 2008 (UTC)
Preguntas sugeridas: ¿Cómo puedo configurar el cliente FileZilla para ser el programa predeterminado para manejar URLs ftp?
== Using FileZilla as default ftp protocol handler ==
Suggested FAQ: How do I set up the FileZilla client to be the default program to handle ftp urls?
==. Htaccess ==
¿Puede cualquier punto de un cabo o editarla para reflejar cómo se puede tener acceso al htaccess. Archivo una vez que haya creado un nuevo y haber iniciado sesión en la medida en que no puedo ver un comando en el menú que cambia el sistema de mostrar / archivos ocultos
Respuesta: Seleccione la opción "Server" del menú y marcar la casilla "mostrar archivos ocultos de la Fuerza"
Can any one point out or edit this to reflect how you can access the .htaccess file once you have created one and logged back in as I cannot see a command on the menus that changes the show system / hidden files
== == Usar los foros
Answer: Select the "Server" menu and tick "Force showing hidden files"
Utilice los foros para hacer preguntas. El Wiki es puramente para aportar soluciones. - [Usuario [: | CodeSquid CodeSquid]] 08:06, 3 de marzo de 2009 (UTC)
== Use the forums ==
Desafortunadamente, para la mayoría de la gente no proporciona los más simples. Las personas normales aprendiendo sobre los sitios web, etc son tratados con desprecio. ¿Dónde están las respuestas a sus problemas? ¿Qué está pasando con este sitio web? Parece que hay una especie de arrogancia que pone a la gente.
Use the forums to ask questions. The Wiki is purely to provide solutions. --[[User:CodeSquid|CodeSquid]] 08:06, 3 March 2009 (UTC)
: Estoy de acuerdo. Usted no puede decir simplemente RTFM más. Yo no trato a mis usuarios de esa manera, y yo no espere ser tratado de esa manera aquí.
Unfortunately, for most people it doesn't provide the simpler ones. Normal people just learning about websites etc are treated with contempt. Where are the answers to their problems? What is going on with this website? There seems to be a kind of arrogance which puts people off.
: Por cierto, me gustaría saber cómo resolver la discrepancia entre el tiempo Siteground.Com 's del servidor y el tiempo de mi equipo cuando puedo cargar un archivo. Por ejemplo, mi hora local es 11:01 AM. Puedo cargar un archivo que se modificó a las 10:46 AM. Los informes de servidor que fue modificada por última vez a las 9:01 AM.
:I agree. You can't just say RTFM any more. I don't treat my users that way, and I don't expect to be treated that way here.  
: Quiero FileZilla para compensar la diferencia de 2 horas entre la hora local de mi computadora y la hora del servidor.
:By the way, I'd like to know how to resolve the discrepancy between Siteground.Com's server time and my computer's time when I upload a file. For example, my local time is 11:01 AM. I upload a file which was modified at 10:46 AM. The server reports that it was last modified at 9:01 AM.
: ¿Hay un lugar que puede entrar -2 (o +2) para convertir 9:01 hora del servidor de 11:01? - [[Usuario: Ed | Pobre Pobre Ed]] 15:03 19 de octubre de 2009 (UTC)
:I want FileZilla to compensate for the 2-hour difference between my computer's local time and the server's time.
:: Lo que es peor, "Ha superado el número máximo de intentos de registro para esta sesión. Por favor, inténtelo de nuevo más tarde." No me di cuenta en un primer momento que tuve que ingresar el código de registro hacia atrás. Nadie más lo hace que yo he visto. Entonces me entró cuidadosamente los códigos, pero todavía me dijeron que se equivocaron.
:Is there a place I can enter -2 (or +2) to convert 9:01 server time to 11:01? --[[User:Ed Poor|Ed Poor]] 15:03, 19 October 2009 (UTC)
:: Por fin encontramos la solución [http://www.crazydomains.com.au/help/ftp_filezilla.htm aquí]. Por favor, introduzca esta información en el FAQ. - [[Usuario: Ed | Pobre Pobre Ed]] 15:20 19 de octubre de 2009 (UTC)
::Worse, "You have exceeded the maximum number of registration attempts for this session. Please try again later." I didn't realize at first that I had to enter the registration code backwards. Nobody else does this that I've seen. Then I carefully entered the codes, but I still was told I got it wrong.
Vista == == Marcadores Camino
::I finally find the solution [http://www.crazydomains.com.au/help/ftp_filezilla.htm here]. Please enter this information into the FAQ. --[[User:Ed Poor|Ed Poor]] 15:20, 19 October 2009 (UTC)
En mi Vista de 64 bits es el camino
== Vista Bookmarks Path ==
C: \ Users \ (nombre de usuario) \ \ AppData Roaming FileZilla \
On my 64bit Vista the path is
existe una clara necesidad de una guía básica para configurar FZ para el usuario normal.
there is a definite need for a basic guide to configuring FZ for the ordinary user.
== == Alias carpeta
== Folder Aliases ==
Propongo que las preguntas más frecuentes acerca de los alias de carpetas ser redactado de nuevo para decir en lugar de
I move that the FAQ on folder aliases be reworded to say instead of
"Vamos a suponer que el directorio del servidor de origen se establece en C: \ ftproot y desea que su colección de fotografías en D: \ MyPictures disponible como / fotos. Añadir D: MyPictures \ a la lista de carpetas compartidas y seleccione su entrada. A continuación añadimos / fotos en la columna de alias. Ahora el servidor mostrará las imágenes del directorio virtual justo en el directorio raíz y su contenido serán los de D: MyPictures \ ".
"Let's assume the server's home directory is set to C:\ftproot and you want to make your picture collection in D:\mypictures available as /pictures. Add D:\mypictures to the list of shared folders and select its entry. Next add /pictures in the alias column. Now the server will display the virtual directory pictures right in the root directory and its contents will be those of D:\mypictures. "
lo dice
it say
"Asumamos que el directorio de inicio servidores se establece en C: \ ftproot y desea que su colección de fotografías en D: MyPictures \ aparecen en el directorio de usuario.
"Let's assume the servers home directory is set to C:\ftproot and you want to make your picture collection in D:\mypictures appear in the home directory.  
Añadir D: \ MyPictures a la lista de carpetas compartidas como lo haría normalmente. Ahora haga doble clic izquierdo en el espacio de la derecha en 'Alias' o botón derecho y seleccione 'Modificar Alias'.
Add D:\mypictures to the list of shared folders as you would normally. Now double left click on the space to the right under 'Aliases' or right click and select 'Edit Aliases'.
En la ventana siempre escriba el nombre que desea, en este caso "MyPictures", asumiendo que no hay otra carpeta del mismo nombre en C: \ ftproot, IMPORTANTE, debes poner un "/" antes del nombre del alias que está escribiendo, de lo contrario no se convertirá en un cliente FTP.
In the window provided enter the name you would like, in this case "mypictures" assuming there is not another folder of the same name in C:\ftproot, IMPORTANT- you must put a '/' before the alias name you are typing otherwise it will not turn up in a FTP client.  
El contenido de la carpeta de D: MyPictures \ ahora se mostrará en el directorio principal bajo el nombre de la carpeta 'MyPictures ".
The folder contents of D:\mypictures will now be displayed in the home directory under the folder name 'mypictures'."
La razón para cambiar de D: \ MyPictures disponible como / fotos no se explica en el FAQ, que era confuso para mí al principio como yo estaba tratando de usar "|" o "el carácter" como estaba tratando de compartir varias carpetas desde la misma unidad a la unidad de origen.
The reason for changing from  D:\mypictures available as /pictures is not explained in the faq, which was confusing to me at first as i was trying to use '|' or "the pipe character" as I was trying to share multiple folders from the same drive to the home drive.
Me gustaría escribir también una pequeña sección acerca de cómo utilizar el carácter "pipe", pero voy a ver cómo mi sugerencia es tomar primero ..
I would like to also write a small section about how to use the "pipe character" but i will see how my suggestion is taken first..
== Demasiadas conexiones desde esta IP ==
== Too many connections from this IP ==
Estoy recibiendo este error al conectar con el servidor "Demasiadas conexiones (8) de este período de investigación." ¿Qué significa esto?
I am getting this error while connecting to the server "Too many connections (8) from this IP." What this mean?
== ¿Cómo parar Filezilla interfaz se inicie con cada registro de Windows En ==
== How to stop Filezilla Interface from starting with every Windows Log In ==
No parece haber ningún diálogo de preferencias de Filezilla, no me quiere acceder a la interfaz filezilla cada vez que acceda a
There seems to be no preference dialog for Filezilla;  I don't want to log into the filezilla interface everytime I log into
Windows, lo sé Filezilla se está ejecutando correctamente en el fondo como un servicio. Cómo hacer esto hay que agregar a la lista. Básicamente, usted lanzar regedit (inicio: ejecutar: regedit) y navegar por las distintas HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft | Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Run y elimine la entrada para iniciar la interfaz de FileZilla.
Windows, I know Filezilla is running correctly in the background as a service. How to do this needs to be added to the FAQ. Basically, you launch regedit (start:run:regedit) and drill down to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft|WIndows\CurrentVersion\Run and delete the Entry to launch the Filezilla Interface.

Revision as of 08:37, 13 April 2010

Purpose of FAQ

The FAQ is to provide answers to common questions, not to ask questions. CodeSquid 13:39, 25 July 2007 (CEST)

Documentation needed on which FTP commands are supported

For example, I need to know if FZS supports the STOU command, but I have found no such list or discussion.

You could use the HELP command to get a list of all known commands. --CodeSquid 20:53, 28 September 2007 (CEST)

How to use behind a firewall

Filezilla 3.0.1 appears not to provide any support for FTP proxies. A FAQ should be answered as to why an official release doesn't support this feature.

FileZilla server and dynamic IP address

In the chapter that talks about the server behind a firewall, it tells "you can also choose to retrieve the ip address from a website". Can anybody describe what content expects FileZilla server from the external website? Some concrete syntax to recognize the correct IP string? (the external website can show various IP informations)

Regarding a passive-mode FTP server behind a firewall

When the client requests PASV mode, the server responds back with a PORT command, such as, "227 Entering Passive Mode (127,0,0,1,78,52)". In order for passive mode to work properly, the passive mode response needs to contain the FTP server's PRIVATE IP address. Your "passive mode settings" window suggests this should be the external/public IP address. The private IP address assists the firewall's nat proxy in maintaining the connection across network address translation. Many FTP NAT proxies will drop the 227 passive mode response, if the public IP address is sent in the 227 message.

FAQ page locked

The FAQ page is locked, this prevents friendly people helping keep it up to date, eg (see General FAQ #3)

FileZilla 3 has now been released for all platforms on 2007-10-17 (version FileZilla 3.0.2). Current version is now (2007-11-27).

I want to add a FAQ

FAQ: I am having trouble transferring log files. I get an error "550 can't access file." on both the server interface and the FTP client.

Answer: Often log files are locked for writing by the process that they are logging. In order to transfer this type of file, open the Server Options, go to the Miscellaneous node, and select "Allow downloading of files which are open for writing by another process"

It probably isn't a FAQ, but the FAQ is the only server documentation you have so far.

Fulfills the AQ part of FAQ, but certainly not the F one. Seen this question for the first time now. --CodeSquid 02:25, 22 November 2007 (CET)

Better overview for FAQ

Hi, it's the first time I visit this FAQ. The first thing I noticed is that there is no index. I think an Index would give an better overview, and I don't need to search for informations in the details of the FAQ-text. regards Antonio.

Robert07's comments on the FAQ

  • Thanks so much to the dev team and all the support folks for making a wonderful piece of software complete with forums and wiki!
  • FileZilla Client FAQ question #5 is about where settings are stored. From my own experience just now, in WinXP there are several .xml files and they're located under %USERPROFILE%\Application Data\FileZilla, not under the directory FileZilla installs into. And for me that's a problem because it complicates automated installs and uninstalls.
  • General FAQ question #3 is about what "FileZilla 3" is. It says that it is in Beta. But I saw nothing through the download process saying that v3 is in beta and I don't see links to v2 anywhere. Also, the standard help-shortcut (F1) doesn't bring up any help and, a little ironically, under the "Help" pull down menu there is no help. And there are no .hlp or .chm help files included that I can find. So it does "feel" like it's still in beta in that sense.

jargon's comments on the FAQ

  • FileZilla Client FAQ doesn't seem to indicate any viable means to back up and furthermore restore the settings data for the client software. Jargon 09:13, 5 April 2010 (UTC)

Aliases: FAQ answers the "explanation" in FZ server

Time and again I tried to follow the explanation in the product e.g. 0.9.25 beta and never managed to get it to work (it suggests you use c:\pub\somedir). Putting in an alias of /FOO created the link folder just fine. Thankyou FAQ.

The FAQ's example did not work for me either. I puzzled about it and ended up putting the full path to the folder in for the alias (e.g. if user home is 'C:\ftproot\user\', shared directory is 'D:\data\stuff\', alias would be 'C:\ftproot\user\stuff'). This allowed me to see the alias directories properly in the various FTP clients that I use. Then I realized the bigger problem; I was using FileZilla FTP Server 0.9.29 beta. Upgrading to FileZilla FTP Server 0.9.34 allows the previously mentioned method or the one in the FAQ to work properly. OS used in this example is Server 2003 R2 SP2. Hope it helps.

<nowiki> the Example Address

Can someone please put <nowiki>s and <code>s around the example address ftp://root:secretpw@filezilla.sourceforge.net/htdocs/ in the Command Line options section so people aren't tempted to think it's an actual link to... um... command line options documentation? Thanks. --Tometheus 19:57, 30 August 2008 (UTC)

I want to add a FAQ

OS: Windows - What if the FileZilla Server Interface does not Log on to the Server?

Answer: Make sure the "Application Layer Gateway Service" is enabled and Running. You can find this option by Clicking Start --> Run... --> then type "msconfig" --> select the tab "Services"

Wrong. ALG is known to actively sabotage FTP. Make sure it is disabled and not running. --CodeSquid 22:55, 18 September 2008 (UTC)

Using FileZilla as default ftp protocol handler

Suggested FAQ: How do I set up the FileZilla client to be the default program to handle ftp urls?


Can any one point out or edit this to reflect how you can access the .htaccess file once you have created one and logged back in as I cannot see a command on the menus that changes the show system / hidden files

Answer: Select the "Server" menu and tick "Force showing hidden files"

Use the forums

Use the forums to ask questions. The Wiki is purely to provide solutions. --CodeSquid 08:06, 3 March 2009 (UTC)

Unfortunately, for most people it doesn't provide the simpler ones. Normal people just learning about websites etc are treated with contempt. Where are the answers to their problems? What is going on with this website? There seems to be a kind of arrogance which puts people off.

I agree. You can't just say RTFM any more. I don't treat my users that way, and I don't expect to be treated that way here.
By the way, I'd like to know how to resolve the discrepancy between Siteground.Com's server time and my computer's time when I upload a file. For example, my local time is 11:01 AM. I upload a file which was modified at 10:46 AM. The server reports that it was last modified at 9:01 AM.
I want FileZilla to compensate for the 2-hour difference between my computer's local time and the server's time.
Is there a place I can enter -2 (or +2) to convert 9:01 server time to 11:01? --Ed Poor 15:03, 19 October 2009 (UTC)
Worse, "You have exceeded the maximum number of registration attempts for this session. Please try again later." I didn't realize at first that I had to enter the registration code backwards. Nobody else does this that I've seen. Then I carefully entered the codes, but I still was told I got it wrong.
I finally find the solution here. Please enter this information into the FAQ. --Ed Poor 15:20, 19 October 2009 (UTC)

Vista Bookmarks Path

On my 64bit Vista the path is


there is a definite need for a basic guide to configuring FZ for the ordinary user.

Folder Aliases

I move that the FAQ on folder aliases be reworded to say instead of

"Let's assume the server's home directory is set to C:\ftproot and you want to make your picture collection in D:\mypictures available as /pictures. Add D:\mypictures to the list of shared folders and select its entry. Next add /pictures in the alias column. Now the server will display the virtual directory pictures right in the root directory and its contents will be those of D:\mypictures. "

it say

"Let's assume the servers home directory is set to C:\ftproot and you want to make your picture collection in D:\mypictures appear in the home directory. Add D:\mypictures to the list of shared folders as you would normally. Now double left click on the space to the right under 'Aliases' or right click and select 'Edit Aliases'. In the window provided enter the name you would like, in this case "mypictures" assuming there is not another folder of the same name in C:\ftproot, IMPORTANT- you must put a '/' before the alias name you are typing otherwise it will not turn up in a FTP client. The folder contents of D:\mypictures will now be displayed in the home directory under the folder name 'mypictures'."

The reason for changing from D:\mypictures available as /pictures is not explained in the faq, which was confusing to me at first as i was trying to use '|' or "the pipe character" as I was trying to share multiple folders from the same drive to the home drive. I would like to also write a small section about how to use the "pipe character" but i will see how my suggestion is taken first..

Too many connections from this IP

I am getting this error while connecting to the server "Too many connections (8) from this IP." What this mean?

How to stop Filezilla Interface from starting with every Windows Log In

There seems to be no preference dialog for Filezilla; I don't want to log into the filezilla interface everytime I log into Windows, I know Filezilla is running correctly in the background as a service. How to do this needs to be added to the FAQ. Basically, you launch regedit (start:run:regedit) and drill down to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft|WIndows\CurrentVersion\Run and delete the Entry to launch the Filezilla Interface.