Pro: DigitalOcean Spaces

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This guide explains how to configure FileZilla Pro to connect to DigitalOcean cloud.

There is a trial version available.

Step by Step instructions[edit]

  1. Start FileZilla and choose Edit, Settings, S3: Providers:
  2. Add a new S3 provider named DigitalOcean:
    Pro digital ocean 1.png
  3. Enter the regions as shown:
    Pro digital ocean 2.png
  4. Enter Catch All and Format as shown:
    Pro digital ocean 3.png
  5. In Site Manager add a new site:
  6. In Host enter the address of your space
  7. In User enter your space access key
  8. In Password enter your space access secret
    Pro digital ocean 4-updated.png

For a list of updated regions please visit An Introduction to DigitalOcean Spaces

You can find these instructions also at the FileZilla Knowledge base.Check it out.