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An exceedingly good post. This short alctire sums up for me personally exactly what this topic is determined by and some from the important benefits that may be caused by being aware of it as should you. A friend once pointed out that you have a totally different way of thinking whenever you do something for several instead of when you are just toying by using it. In the case of this kind of topic, I believe you are taking, or start to think about, a far more expert in addition to thorough method of both exactly what and just how you write, which helps you to keep on and get much better and guide others who have no idea anything by what you've shared here. Thank you.
I don't recommend the one click meohtd. I have a couple root meohtds based on what operating system you have.  I assume you have 3.1 or 3.2 right now?  If you have 3.1 take a look at my video if you havent already.  I also have a general rooting video which explains the rooting process which might be very helpful for you.As far as pasting files on your desktop, its very similar to a pc or mac shortcut.  Its not the actual file on your desktop just a link to the file.  You will need an App like Astro to create these shortcuts to say a PDF or a folder.  Once you install astro hold down on your screen and then click on the More tab.  There should be an astro folder / file icon.  Just click on that and select what folder or file you want to be on your desktop and then you should be set.

Revision as of 05:06, 25 August 2012

I don't recommend the one click meohtd. I have a couple root meohtds based on what operating system you have. I assume you have 3.1 or 3.2 right now? If you have 3.1 take a look at my video if you havent already. I also have a general rooting video which explains the rooting process which might be very helpful for you.As far as pasting files on your desktop, its very similar to a pc or mac shortcut. Its not the actual file on your desktop just a link to the file. You will need an App like Astro to create these shortcuts to say a PDF or a folder. Once you install astro hold down on your screen and then click on the More tab. There should be an astro folder / file icon. Just click on that and select what folder or file you want to be on your desktop and then you should be set.