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| | {| cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0 width=100% |
| |valign=top| | | |valign=top| |
| '''FileZilla 3 ''' is the next generation (S)FTP-client from the FileZilla project. It is platform independent and supports operating systems like Microsoft Windows, GNU/Linux, *BSD and Mac OS X. | | '''FileZilla 3 ''' is the next generation (S)FTP-client from the FileZilla project. It is platform independent and supports operating systems like Microsoft Windows, GNU/Linux, *BSD and Mac OS X. |
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| == Features == | | == Features == |
| |
| * Easy to use | | * Easy to use |
| * Supports FTP, FTP over SSL/TLS (FTPS) and SSH File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) | | * Supports FTP, FTP over SSL/TLS (FTPS) and SSH File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) |
| * Cross-platform. Runs on Windows, Linux, *BSD, OSX and more | | * Cross-platform. Runs on Windows (8.1 or later), Linux, *BSD, OSX and more |
| | * IPv6 support |
| * Available in many languages | | * Available in many languages |
| * Supports resume and transfer of large files >4GB | | * Supports resume and transfer of large files >4GB |
| * Powerful Site Manager and transfer queue | | * Powerful [[Site Manager]] and transfer queue |
| * Drag | | * Bookmark |
| | * Drag & drop support |
| | * Configurable Speed limits |
| | * [[Filename_Filters|Filename filters]] |
| | * [[Using#Directory_Comparison|Directory Comparison]] |
| | * Network configuration wizard |
| | * The ability to use Notepad or any other program to edit a file online (the real action behind the scenes: downloading it to a temporary place and re-uploading it upon saving) |
| | * HTTP/1.1, SOCKS5 and FTP Proxy support |
| | * Logging to file |
| | * [[Using#Synchronized_Browsing|Synchronized directory browsing]] |
| | * Remote file search |
| | |
| | |valign=top align=right nowrap|__TOC__ |
| | |} |
| | |
| | == More information == |
| | - You can follow the development in the [https://forum.filezilla-project.org/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=64 FileZilla 3 development diary]. There's also a detailed technical [https://filezilla-project.org/changelog.php changelog] available. |
| | |
| | - Learn how to [[Compiling_FileZilla_3_under_Windows | compile FileZilla 3 under Windows]] or [[Compiling_FileZilla_3_under_Mac_OS_X | Mac OS X]], or [[Compiling_FileZilla_3_and_Getting_Dependencies_on_Linux | Linux]] (for developers) |
| | |
| | - Also see [[Cross Compiling FileZilla 3 for Windows under Debian GNU/Linux]] |
| | |
| | == Tips & Tricks == |
| | - Holding ctrl+alt+shift while starting FileZilla resets the default GUI layout. |
| | |
| | == Changes == |
| | |
| | For a list of enduser visible changes, have a look at the [https://filezilla-project.org/versions.php version history]. |
| | |
| | For a detailed list of all changes committed to the source code repository, see the [https://filezilla-project.org/changelog.php changelog]. |
FileZilla 3 is the next generation (S)FTP-client from the FileZilla project. It is platform independent and supports operating systems like Microsoft Windows, GNU/Linux, *BSD and Mac OS X.
- Easy to use
- Supports FTP, FTP over SSL/TLS (FTPS) and SSH File Transfer Protocol (SFTP)
- Cross-platform. Runs on Windows (8.1 or later), Linux, *BSD, OSX and more
- IPv6 support
- Available in many languages
- Supports resume and transfer of large files >4GB
- Powerful Site Manager and transfer queue
- Bookmark
- Drag & drop support
- Configurable Speed limits
- Filename filters
- Directory Comparison
- Network configuration wizard
- The ability to use Notepad or any other program to edit a file online (the real action behind the scenes: downloading it to a temporary place and re-uploading it upon saving)
- HTTP/1.1, SOCKS5 and FTP Proxy support
- Logging to file
- Synchronized directory browsing
- Remote file search
More information[edit]
- You can follow the development in the FileZilla 3 development diary. There's also a detailed technical changelog available.
- Learn how to compile FileZilla 3 under Windows or Mac OS X, or Linux (for developers)
- Also see Cross Compiling FileZilla 3 for Windows under Debian GNU/Linux
Tips & Tricks[edit]
- Holding ctrl+alt+shift while starting FileZilla resets the default GUI layout.
For a list of enduser visible changes, have a look at the version history.
For a detailed list of all changes committed to the source code repository, see the changelog.