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'''Work in progress'''
'''Work in progress'''

==Directory Comparison==
<span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">==Directory Comparison== To quickly see differences between files on the local machine and the server : * Choose View > Directory Comparison > and either : ** "compare file size" or ** "compare modification time." * Enable the "Hide identical files" option if you don't want to be distracted by files considered the same on both sides. * Choose " View > Directory Comparison > Enable" (or type CTRL-O). You will now see color-coded differences between copies of the same file on the different machines, observing the following convention: * Identical directories and files (same name and same date and time of the last change) in the local computer and in the remote server : They are highlighted in green in the remote server list. * Directories and files only present in the local computer or in the remote server : They are highlighted in yellow in the list of the location where they reside. * Directories and files with the same name in the local computer and in the remote server but with different time of the last change : ** IF 'View => Directory comparison => Compare modification time was selected: They are highlighted in green in the local server list.</span> Perbandingan Direktori == == Untuk segera melihat perbedaan antara file pada komputer lokal dan server: * Pilih Lihat> Direktori Perbandingan> dan baik: ** "membandingkan ukuran file" atau ** "membandingkan waktu modifikasi Aktifkan." * Itu " Sembunyikan file identik "pilihan jika Anda tidak ingin diganggu oleh file dianggap sama di kedua sisi". * Pilih View> Direktori Perbandingan> Aktifkan "(atau ketik CTRL-O). Anda sekarang akan melihat warna-warni perbedaan antara salinan dari file yang sama pada mesin yang berbeda, mengamati konvensi berikut: * Identik direktori dan file (nama yang sama dan tanggal yang sama dan waktu perubahan terakhir) di komputer lokal dan di server jauh: Mereka yang disorot dalam warna hijau di remote server daftar dan *. Direktori file hanya hadir dalam komputer lokal atau pada server remote: Mereka yang disorot dalam kuning dalam daftar lokasi tempat mereka tinggal. Direktori * dan file dengan nama yang sama di komputer lokal dan di remote server tetapi dengan waktu yang berbeda dari perubahan terakhir: ** JIKA 'Lihat => Direktori perbandingan => Bandingkan waktu modifikasi dipilih: Mereka yang disorot dalam warna hijau di daftar server lokal.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">(Writer's observation: I didn't test the possibility of the file with the last change time to be in the remote server, but I believe that, also in this case, the green highlight shall be in the local computer list, to avoid ambiguity with the first case presented here, of 'identical folders and files'.) ** IF 'View => Directory comparison => Compare filesize was selected: There isn't any highlight, the directories or files in both the left and right panels remain with a white background. * Directories and files with the same name in the local computer and in the remote server but with different sizes : ......???........</span> (Pengamatan Penulis: Saya tidak menguji kemungkinan file dengan waktu perubahan terakhir berada di server jauh, tetapi saya yakin bahwa, juga dalam kasus ini, akan menyoroti hijau dalam daftar komputer lokal, untuk mencegah ambiguitas dengan kasus pertama yang disajikan di sini, identik folder 'dari dan' file Bandingkan.) ** JIKA 'Lihat = Direktori> perbandingan => Filesize dipilih: Tidak ada sorot, direktori atau file baik di kiri dan kanan panel tetap dengan latar belakang putih ukuran. * Direktori dan file dengan nama yang sama di komputer lokal dan di remote server tetapi berbeda dengan: ......???........</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">(Writer's observation: They tend a lot to also have different last change times! I believe they should be displayed in the same form that those with different last change times, but I haven't do this test yet.)</span> (Pengamatan Writer: Mereka cenderung untuk juga banyak memiliki waktu perubahan terakhir berbeda saya percaya mereka harus ditampilkan dalam bentuk yang sama bahwa orang-orang dengan waktu perubahan terakhir berbeda, tapi saya tidak melakukan tes ini belum.!)</span>
To quickly see differences between files on the local machine and the server :  
* Choose View > Directory Comparison > and either :  
** "compare file size" or  
** "compare modification time."
* Enable the "Hide identical files" option if you don't want to be distracted by files considered the same on both sides.
* Choose " View > Directory Comparison > Enable" (or type CTRL-O).  
You will now see color-coded differences between copies of the same file on the different machines, observing the following convention:  
* Identical directories and files (same name and same date and time of the last change) in the local computer and in the remote server : They are highlighted in green in the remote server list.  
* Directories and files only present in the local computer or in the remote server : They are highlighted in yellow in the list of the location where they reside.
* Directories and files with the same name in the local computer and in the remote server but with different time of the last change :  
** IF 'View => Directory comparison => Compare modification time was selected: They are highlighted in green in the local server list. (Writer's observation: I didn't test the possibility of the file with the last change time to be in the remote server, but I believe that, also in this case, the green highlight shall be in the local computer list, to avoid ambiguity with the first case presented here, of 'identical folders and files'.)
** IF 'View => Directory comparison => Compare filesize was selected: There isn't any highlight, the directories or files in both the left and right panels remain with a white background.  
* Directories and files with the same name in the local computer and in the remote server but with different sizes : ......???........ (Writer's observation: They tend a lot to also have different last change times! I believe they should be displayed in the same form that those with different last change times, but I haven't do this test yet.)

==File => Export...==
==File => Export...==

Revision as of 05:02, 28 April 2010

Work in progress

==Directory Comparison== To quickly see differences between files on the local machine and the server : * Choose View > Directory Comparison > and either : ** "compare file size" or ** "compare modification time." * Enable the "Hide identical files" option if you don't want to be distracted by files considered the same on both sides. * Choose " View > Directory Comparison > Enable" (or type CTRL-O). You will now see color-coded differences between copies of the same file on the different machines, observing the following convention: * Identical directories and files (same name and same date and time of the last change) in the local computer and in the remote server : They are highlighted in green in the remote server list. * Directories and files only present in the local computer or in the remote server : They are highlighted in yellow in the list of the location where they reside. * Directories and files with the same name in the local computer and in the remote server but with different time of the last change : ** IF 'View => Directory comparison => Compare modification time was selected: They are highlighted in green in the local server list. Perbandingan Direktori == == Untuk segera melihat perbedaan antara file pada komputer lokal dan server: * Pilih Lihat> Direktori Perbandingan> dan baik: ** "membandingkan ukuran file" atau ** "membandingkan waktu modifikasi Aktifkan." * Itu " Sembunyikan file identik "pilihan jika Anda tidak ingin diganggu oleh file dianggap sama di kedua sisi". * Pilih View> Direktori Perbandingan> Aktifkan "(atau ketik CTRL-O). Anda sekarang akan melihat warna-warni perbedaan antara salinan dari file yang sama pada mesin yang berbeda, mengamati konvensi berikut: * Identik direktori dan file (nama yang sama dan tanggal yang sama dan waktu perubahan terakhir) di komputer lokal dan di server jauh: Mereka yang disorot dalam warna hijau di remote server daftar dan *. Direktori file hanya hadir dalam komputer lokal atau pada server remote: Mereka yang disorot dalam kuning dalam daftar lokasi tempat mereka tinggal. Direktori * dan file dengan nama yang sama di komputer lokal dan di remote server tetapi dengan waktu yang berbeda dari perubahan terakhir: ** JIKA 'Lihat => Direktori perbandingan => Bandingkan waktu modifikasi dipilih: Mereka yang disorot dalam warna hijau di daftar server lokal. (Writer's observation: I didn't test the possibility of the file with the last change time to be in the remote server, but I believe that, also in this case, the green highlight shall be in the local computer list, to avoid ambiguity with the first case presented here, of 'identical folders and files'.) ** IF 'View => Directory comparison => Compare filesize was selected: There isn't any highlight, the directories or files in both the left and right panels remain with a white background. * Directories and files with the same name in the local computer and in the remote server but with different sizes : ......???........ (Pengamatan Penulis: Saya tidak menguji kemungkinan file dengan waktu perubahan terakhir berada di server jauh, tetapi saya yakin bahwa, juga dalam kasus ini, akan menyoroti hijau dalam daftar komputer lokal, untuk mencegah ambiguitas dengan kasus pertama yang disajikan di sini, identik folder 'dari dan' file Bandingkan.) ** JIKA 'Lihat = Direktori> perbandingan => Filesize dipilih: Tidak ada sorot, direktori atau file baik di kiri dan kanan panel tetap dengan latar belakang putih ukuran. * Direktori dan file dengan nama yang sama di komputer lokal dan di remote server tetapi berbeda dengan: ......???........ (Writer's observation: They tend a lot to also have different last change times! I believe they should be displayed in the same form that those with different last change times, but I haven't do this test yet.) (Pengamatan Writer: Mereka cenderung untuk juga banyak memiliki waktu perubahan terakhir berbeda saya percaya mereka harus ditampilkan dalam bentuk yang sama bahwa orang-orang dengan waktu perubahan terakhir berbeda, tapi saya tidak melakukan tes ini belum.!)

File => Export...

Let you export any or all of the following contents:

  • Site Manager entries;
  • Settings
  • Queue

The selected contents are saved in a .XML file that you can import to another computer, using the File => Import... option.

File => Show files currently being edited...


Bold text