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Ajmo da spavamo, mozda ce jutro doteni laksa resenja???Dugacak je bio ovaj dan Pogledacu ujutro sta je i kako, nadam se da ce sve da legne kako treba? !!!Super ti je ova stvar, veruj mi da cu je redovno koristiti, kao i moji posetioci
Portal and Portal 2 are both great games. I grabbed Portal the last time they were givnig it away for free, back when Steam had arrived on OS X, and got Portal 2 when it was on sale for $30. Awesome games, just too short to pay full price for.Mandeep @ ShergillGames recently posted..

Revision as of 02:14, 7 May 2012

Portal and Portal 2 are both great games. I grabbed Portal the last time they were givnig it away for free, back when Steam had arrived on OS X, and got Portal 2 when it was on sale for $30. Awesome games, just too short to pay full price for.Mandeep @ ShergillGames recently posted..