Client Compile

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Revision as of 18:35, 9 May 2006 by CodeSquid (talk | contribs)
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(Outdated information)

Compiling FileZilla

To compile FileZilla, you need the following programs and tools:

MS Visual C++ 6

The latest version of the MS Platform SDK from

MS HTML Help Workshop

You can download the latest version of HTML Help Workshop from the Microsoft Website. After installing, you should prepare DevStudio: Go to Tools, Options, Directories, then (assuming that you've installed HTML Help Workshop to C:\Program Files\HTML Help Workshop):

Under Show directories for choose Include files, click on New and type C:\Program Files\HTML Help Workshop\include

Under Show directories for choose Library files, click on New and type C:\Program Files\HTML Help Workshop\lib

Under Show directories for choose Executable files, click on New and type C:\Program Files\HTML Help Workshop

Close DevStudio and restart to save the changes.

To compile the install script, you have to download and install NSIS. After installing NSIS, right-click the file FileZilla.nsi in the Explorer and choose "Compile NSI".